Customer Testimonials

"I’ve used Bell for all my large scale builds. Great Service. Huge Selection And priced Right for a US Company. Support US Businesses" Scott Molitor Denver, CO
"The intercooler you built for me fit perfectly with no issues and works flawlessly. Thanks for a great product!" Gary Proia Ft Myers, FL
"Just wanted to thank you guys for your outstanding service and great product. Still early in testing but at 25psi we’re seeing 90 degree intake temps on 100 degree day. Thanks again!! I’ll be switching my GTO over to turbo this year and hope to use your products on it!" Tom Howes Chesterfield, Michigan
The intercooler looks fantastic and fits perfectly, thank you for your help. Mike Freeman Washington DC.
Gave them a pencil sketch of custom intercoolers needed. They turned it into a CAD drawing and made the parts within about a week. High quality and made exactly to print. Will use again! Jason Harding TX
Bell intercooler in TX adapted a different core using my side tanks. saved me $800 instead of procharger Kennyo
It's pretty cool to deal with a company that's use to helping REAL race cars that took the time to talk and help the little guy. I have heard that Corky is a class act! (I didn't talk to him, though) Erebus